Women are always after that dewy, healthy looking skin. I have recently embarked on a night time skin care regimen which seems to be giving me just that. I am glowing 🙂
It goes without saying that healthy skin does in fact begin with eating healthy as well as drinking plenty water. This will be a topic for another blog post.
I have been using products gifted to me by a lovely lady (Zeenat) who owns a company called Buddh. Buddh is a stockist of luxury Ayurvedic products. I had the honour of meeting Zeenat at the recent Style Loft Pop Up at Nelson Mandela Square. Once I learnt the fundamentals and nature behind these products, I was completely sold. The range is definitely worth a browse. She has something for everyone including a range for men!
Having said this, there are a few products which I have been using for a very long time prior to my Buddh journey which I have maintained along with the use of the Ayurvedic products.
After removing my make up with Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water and The Body Shops gentle eye make up remover, I will begin with the Nalparamaradi Thailam Skin Brightening Treatment which I have used once a week for a month now. This is actually recommended for Brides to use 3 months prior to the special day. But I figured that all women would love that beautiful natural glow. The brightening treatment is a thin, oil based yellow liquid with a natural turmeric scent. A little goes a very long way! I make this a daily treatment, usually on a Sunday when I oil my hair. I gently massage a drop of this powerful liquid into my skin and leave on for about 30 minutes. It does stain, hence me recommending it as daily treatment along with other skin and beauty regimes.
Because the brightening treatment is oil based, I have incorporated the use of the Rose Jasmine Cleanser. This gentle cleanser leaves my face feeling fresh without stripping my skin of natural oils. The scent is refreshing with a subtle Jasmine and Rose aroma. I have incorporated this cleanser once a week when I use the brightening treatment.
Every other day except for the day which I use the brightening treatment, I cleanse my face with Epizone E ointment. I have been using Epizone E for the past 10 years and swear by its brilliance. It is very gentle and works well for those with a dry or combination skin. Very inexpensive, a tub lasts me approximately 3 months. This can be purchased at Clicks or Dischem.
After cleansing my face with either the Rose Jasmine Cleanser or Epizone E, I gently pat my skin dry with a towel, and spritz my face with Kama pure Rosewater. Alcohol free, this rosewater acts a gentle toner and tightens pores while restoring the skins pH levels. I have been using this as the liquid on my blender to blend my foundation and concealer into my skin (as opposed to water.)
While the toner is still fresh on my face, I apply 4-5 drops of the Kumkumadi Ayuvedic night serum to my face and gently massage it into my skin using upward strokes. This award winning serum aids in attaining a glowy complexion and even skin tone. The saffron within it helps to repair fine lines while the liquorice serves as an antiseptic and aids with minimizing dark circles.
After I have massaged the serum into my skin, I apply a thin layer of The Body Shops Drops of Youth sleeping mask as well The Body Shops Drops of Youth eye mask. The Body Shops Drops of youth range is composed of plant stem cells. I love the bouncy mask as relief from sunburn on my body as well during the Summer months.
I gently pat the eye mask underneath my eyes as well as on my eyelids with flutter motions.
This concludes my night time regimen.
I trust that you enjoyed reading this as much I had creating it.
Remember to drink at least 2 litres of water per day, to apply a generous amount of sunblock and to NEVER sleep with make up on your skin!
Zeenat, the owner of Buddh is available via Instagram (@budd.hsa) or via email: info@buddh.co.za